January 14, 2025


Become a member TODAY!!!!

Any employee of the following agencies may become a member of the DuPage County Sheriff’s Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 109.

Sheriff’s Office

Forest Preserve

State Attorney’s Office

Probation Department

Coroner’s Office



Regular Membership

Membership shall be restricted to full-time DuPage County Sheriff’s law enforcement sworn personnel, DuPage County Forest Preserve sworn law enforcement personnel, sworn State Attorney investigators, sworn Probation Department offices and sworn Coroner investigators who have been employed for at least six (6) months or longer.

Associate Membership

All other individuals interested in membership, who do not otherwise qualify as regular members, may be admitted as associate members. Associate members shall not be entitled to any voting privileges, the right to hold office or participation in the benevolent or like fund, nor shall they enjoy any other privileges specifically restricted to members.
No person shall be denied membership based upon race, religion, color, creed, sex, age, national origin or any other discriminatory basis.

Retired / Lifetime Membership

Membership shall be restricted to regular members that have retired in good standing with the lodge. This will allow you to qualify for the life insurance, health insurance, and legal aid you need to be an Active member in good standing the State and National Lodges.

Per our by-laws a retired/lifetime member shall never be eligible to hold any elected office in DuPage Sheriff’s FOP Lodge 109. But you would be eligible to hold an elected office with State and National FOP

Membership Dues Online Payments

As a benefit for our members, we now accept membership payments via Zelle. 

Save yourself the time of writing and mailing a check, tracking down someone to pay in cash.  Immediate processing of your dues payment…. NO WAITING FOR A CHECK TO CLEAR!!!!!!!!

Zelle to:      dpsofop109@gmail.com

or use the PayPal button to complete your payment

2025 Membership Dues for REGULAR Members

$50 for existing Members

$50 for new members (an Application must still be mailed to the PO Box, given to an existing member, or use the online application to be voted on)

2025 Membership Dues for ASSOCIATE Members


2025 Membership Dues for RETIRED Members


Dues for retired members to stay active with State and National Lodges are $42 annually. You will then be eligible for all the benefits you had as an active member with this lodge on the State and National Level.

(Make sure your application is filled out before paying dues)